We're off and running with the
Buy Local, Eat Local Challenge!
How are you doing with the challenge? At our house so far today, we've had fresh local peaches, locally made sourdough and jam, green beans and tomatoes. And
some family members have snacked on locally made salsa, chips and tortillas (and beer -- not local but much welcomed on a hot, hot day.) Oh, and we've had peppermint tea made from locally harvested peppermint...maybe we'll have some over ice to beat the heat. So it's been relatively easy so far. I'll be curious to see how it goes later in the week. Friday night's
Market Potluck is sure to provide lots of fun...and food for thought!
Please get your reservations in by Wednesday!
I'm also following along with the LOCAVORE nation on NPR's excellent The Splendid Table. This is a year-long experiment in which fifteen participants around the country try to get at least 80% of their diet locally, organically (when possible) and sustainably (when possible). The blogs are interesting reading and the site is really informative.
Let us know how your challenge week goes. New ideas? New recipes? We'd love to hear from you.
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