Scott Eichenger reports that Cate Abbott won the whoopie pie raffle...enjoy those cookies, Cate (and make sure to share!) Thanks to everyone who entered -- $37 was raised to benefit the Market.
Special thanks to drummer Nathan Lorenz for playing with Charles this morning, and to Abby Lal and Brian Jarboe for joining Charles and Nathan for a few songs. Also, thanks to Mystic Water Soaps for sharing their bubbles and huge wand with the kids. Between bubbles, music, ice cream and pastries, some kids had their most enjoyable Market experience ever. I know I wasn't the only parent to relax the rules this morning in favor of ice cream breakfast!
Finally, huge thanks to all the vendors and volunteers who make the Market possible. The Market is another great thing about Cheverly, and it couldn't happen without the time and efforts of many people devoted to making the Market a success.
Photos from today's Market are being posted on flickr now. If you have Market photos you'd like to share, join the flickr group. And we'd love to know your story...what did you do with your purchases? Favorite memory from the Market this week? Share your stories on the comments page.
See you at the next Market -- July 19!
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