Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Teenage Years, Oyster-Style, in France

Young French oysters have fallen prey to a killer virus because they have used up too much energy developing their sex organs, scientists believe. The destruction of oysters aged 12 to 18 months ranges from 40% to 100% in all the French oyster beds except for one area at Arcachon in the south-west. Read the BBC story here... And be happy (and grateful!) that Rich Pelz brings us lovely, wholesome oysters directly from Circle C Oyster Ranch!

1 comment:

Joel said...

Dirty water and too much dredging is a scourge for oysters everywhere. In the Chesapeake two parasites, MSX and DERMO have killed maybe 90-98% of the native oysters. The survivors are so far upstream in the cleaner creeks the dirty water doesn't mix. But you still have to 'farm' them by making oyster beds and planting young spat to have any.