Tuesday, August 7, 2012

This Week at the Market: Martha's Jams

We are so excited about the new smaller size in Martha's Jams! It's a great way to sample all sorts of new flavors without that nagging fear of commitment. Honestly, who doesn't have a jar or two (or four) of something in your fridge that you thought would be your new favorite but just turns out to be not to your taste? The other great thing about the small jars? They're the perfect amount for a weekend. Have a little on your morning toast, a dab over some cheese at cocktail hour and incorporate a bit in that great marinade or glaze in your super-secret BBQ or grilling recipe. I'm looking at you, Hot Pepper Jelly.

So buy a big jar of your favorite -- it's time to start thinking about those school lunch bags again -- and a smaller jar or two of something you've wanted to try. You'll be happy you did!

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