Thursday, September 19, 2013

This week at the Market: Martha's Jams

Do you save up little memories of different times of the year -- the delicate fresh smell of grass in spring, the way light feels on your cheek in the summer, the sensation of those first cold nights that you need an extra blanket at night,  the cold in your lungs and the sound of snow falling in winter? We save them up to recall throughout the year -- the simplest memories are the best.

Looking for a way to save summer in a jar? We can think of no better way to do it than opening a jar of preserves from Martha's Jams. Cheverly's own Martha Allen lovingly selects the best local produce and makes small batches of delicious jams, preserves, and fruit butters. This week, Martha has a special treat for us: peach butter. Keep summer in your heart through the colder months with Martha's Jams!

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