Monday, July 16, 2012

Thank you for a terrific morning!

Thank you to all of our vendors, volunteers, and customers for spending Saturday morning with us! After a very wet start to the morning, the sun -- and humidity -- brought what many of us think of as classic DC-region summer weather. Through it all, you spent your morning with us, and we are, as always, very grateful for your support.

Believe it or not, we're closing in on the midway point to our Market season -- the July 28 Market is the sixth of the 12 regular Market dates this season (not including our Thanksgiving and Holiday dates). That means that we're truly at the height of the season! It certainly shows, given all the beautiful food and craft we saw this Saturday. Photos will be posted on our flickr group page very soon.

We need  to extend a special thank you to Volunteer Coordinator Mike Callahan and his crew for the tremendous amount of work they did setting up in the rain and helping vendors and the band get ready -- a big task accomplished with ever-present grace and humor -- thank you. We're also extending a big thanks to KidMarket Coordinator Rachel Dabney Rice, resident bee expert Eileen Shlagel, and Zumba pro Ronald Johnson for a fascinating, lively KidMarket. Finally, to talented musicians of the Roosevelt Dixieland Combo from Eleanor Roosevelt High School -- many, many thanks for a wonderful morning of Dixieland jazz. What a treat!

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