Tuesday, July 10, 2012

This Week at the Market: Martha's Jams

This week, let Martha's Jams be the perfect secret ingredient in your National Grilling Month adventures! Cheverly's own Martha Allen makes the most delightful jams and preserves (in fact, she's even been known to get an idea or two from Market regulars) -- this is hyper-local treasure. Not grilling? How about warming and thinning a spoonful of peach preserves with...maybe, some rum? and topping your fresh vanilla ice cream with it as celebration of National Ice Cream Month? Add fresh sliced peaches and some blackberries to your bowl for the best sundae ever! It's also National Blueberries Month, so some of Martha's delicious spiced blueberry preserves wrapped in fresh, warm crepes would be festive and delicious.

In addition to her regular fare, Martha will have some very special things for us this week: a wonderful tart plum-orange, as well as  spicy preserves just perfect for grilling. Make sure to stop by this Saturday to stock up and start creating your signature grilling marinades, ice cream treats, and just plain delicious breakfast treats!

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