Friday, June 29, 2012

This Week at the Market: C and E Farms

Oh, Emma Dudley, how we've missed you! We're happy to report that C&E Farms will be back at Cheverly Community Market this Saturday!

C&E is the only surviving farm from development in Glen Dale, Maryland. Emma and her husband, C.C., both grew up on farms in North Carolina and moved to New Carrollton before outgrowing their suburban garden and rescuing a 15-acre farm in Glenn Dale in 1995. They specialize in pick-your-own ethnic produce such as callalloo, black-eyed peas, and sweet potato greens. C&E also grows herbs, beans, beets, blackberries, flowers, pears, tomatoes, walnuts and corn.

Emma is a fount of knowledge about herbs and a multitude of uses for plants. She always has beautiful produce, so make sure to stop by and find something new -- and your old favorites -- this weekend.

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